Sunday, May 20, 2012

Laissez les bon temps roulez.  It's the mantra in New Orleans and who are we to argue?  We have taken full advantage of the good music and exotic food and walked miles taking in the varied and unique architectural styles of the French Quarter and the Garden District.  Spent a few evenings at the Three Muses in the French Quarter listening to pianist Tom McDermott one evening and a wonderful jazz trio on our second evening.  We also joined in a "pub crawl" where almost everyone was made up as a zombie.  We weren't expecting it - just went out one evening for a nightcap and ran into hordes of zombies.  We love New Orleans!  Also want to mention that New Orleans has a wonderful museum, NOMA, and one of the best sculpture gardens we've ever visited.  The Sidney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden - don't miss it if you visit New Orleans.  Food is exotic and our fare included alligator sausage and bacon pecan sticky buns.

We Stand Together from George Rodrigue's Blue Dog Series - NOMA Sculpture Garden

Typical homes in French Quarter

Home in the upscale Garden District
BJ enjoying a beignet at the Cafe du Monde

They serve  25 cent martinis at Commander's Palace!!

1 comment:

  1. Marty and BJ -- I love love love reading about your adventures! One day, I hope to visit some of these same places, too. Wishing you both continued Happy Trails, Becci.
