Tuesday, May 08, 2012

International UFO Museum Parking Lot - we were allowed to park, no questions asked.
Marty startled by an Alien
Natural entrance to Carlsbad Cavern

The Whale's Mouth, one of the  more dramatic formations in the caverns

Stalagmites and Stalacites in the King's Palace Cavern

The caverns were enormous

We have had an exciting few days.  We spotted aliens in Roswell, NM, home of the fabled UFO crash in 1947; found a rattlesnake at our campsite which was killed by one of the camp employees (we're still feeling bad about that); survived a violent rainstorm complete with thunder and lighting, and visited the fabulous Carlsbad Caverns and hiked down to a depth the equivalent of a 75 story building (we took the elevator back up!).  We're off to Texas tomorrow, y'all.

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