Thursday, May 31, 2012

Harry Truman said "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog."  I'm happy to report we had a much better experience than Harry.  We were well treated in our nation's Capitol and had a great time mostly viewing the impressive collections at the National Gallery, the Smithsonian (Freer, Sackler, Hirshhorn and Ripkin Galleries) and the Corcoran.  We strolled along the mall and stopped a the World War II, Korean, Vietnam and Lincoln Memorials.  We arrived shortly after Memorial Day and were moved to find the memorials covered with tributes, flags and bouquets of red paper poppies.  We also took time out to celebrate BJ's birthday at Brasserie Beck which we highly recommend to anyone visiting the Capital.

Marty in an interactive art exhibit at the Hirshhorn

Detail of Whistler's Peacock Room at the Freer Art Gallery

Girl in a Red Hat, one of four Vermeer's at the National Gallery
Calder mobile in the lobby of the National Art Gallery's East Wing
Detail of the Korean War Memorial
Michelle's and Barack's pad
BJ at 39+

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday BJ. Being on vacation is a great way to celebrate. Have fun.

